Posted at 9/19/18, 12:30 PM Press releases

KMG International launches a scholarship program of USD 100,000

KMG International launches the call for 100 scholarships for high-school and university students with high academic grades, from Bucharest, Constanta and Prahova.

The applications can be submitted via the company’s website by October 15, while the results of the selection process will be announced on October 26.

“We have built a tradition to support education and foster the ambitions of our future generations of specialists in Oil & Gas, through our internship programs and extensive collaborations with universities across the country. In the year of the Centenary, we reinforce our commitment to performance and education in Romania, motivated by the strong roots of our Romanian brand, and grant 100 scholarships to candidates with the most prominent profiles.” – Alexey Golovin, VP of KMG International.

The scholarships, of individual value of $ 1000, will be granted through a rigorous selection process: 50 will be awarded to students from the company’s apprenticeship program, based on their performance evaluation, while the remaining 50 will be awarded through the grant call (25 for high school students and 25 for university students).

The eligibility criteria include an average academic score above 8, involvement in extra-curricular or volunteering activities, strong desire to build a career in the energy sector (motivation to be included in the cover letter), while the targeted profiles include chemistry, mechanical engineering, petroleum and gas engineering, economics etc. The evaluation of applications will be performed by a mixed jury of company and university representatives, with wide expertise in the energy sector.

An email address is made available by the company, for questions and guidance during the application process: [email protected].

KMG International, through its member companies from Constanta, Bucharest, Ploiesti, has a tradition in supporting internship and apprenticeship programs, meant to invest in the development of human resources, transfer know-how from its professionals to young graduates. In 2018, 140 students were selected for apprenticeship programs within the companies from Petromidia and Vega platforms and 20 within the corporate office in Bucharest. As of 2001, around 1300 interns have joined our program, with the outstanding ones having begun their careers within KMG International.


About KMG International


KMG International is a durable investor in the Romanian economy, being at the same time a corporate responsible citizen. Through the Group’s program “Together for each and everyone”, the company implemented 101 environmental and health protection project across the country. Among our strategic partnership with the civil society, we mention the support of SMURD, the Civil Society Gala, the George Enescu Festival and International Competition.

Owned by KazMunayGas Kazakhstan, KMG International conducts major operations in refining and petrochemicals, retail, trading, upstream and industrial services in 12 main markets. In Romania, the Group operates Petromidia Năvodari refinery, with a processing capacity of 5 million tons per year, Vega Ploiesti Refinery – the oldest unit of its kind in operation since 1905, but also a fuels distribution network of over 740 distribution points, 230 LPG supply stations, 9,000 distribution points for gas tanks and 3 LPG bottling stations, 7 warehouses.

The overall investments of KMG International in Romania amount to USD 4 billion, while the contributions paid to the state budget amount to over USD 15 billion, in the period 2007-2017.