General presentation

The program for remediation and greening of the historical lagoons of Vega Ploiești Refinery is a complex project and one of the largest environmental projects in Romania.

The deadline for completion is forecasted for 2022, the investment effort amounting to several tens of millions USD.

The achievement of this comprehensive program implies not only the allotment of extraordinary financial resources, but also the adoption of the best available technologies, the most rigorous safety measures and permanent cooperation with all those involved.
With the support of the local communities and of the relevant authorities, we want to successfully complete this this ample environmental project for complete remediation and greening of the historical lagoons of Vega Ploiesti. We reassure all residents that our specialists and contract staff are making every effort to mitigate their impact on the community.


In these lagoons, acid tars and petroleum residues were produced and stored overwhelmingly in the period before the privatization of Vega Ploiesti Refinery (1905-1999). For example, in the 1980s, Vega was the only producer and supplier of catalysts for the domestic refining industry, and for the other 10 refineries in operation at that time.

These tars have different chemical and physical properties and characteristics, such as acidity or density, the differences being generated by the crude oil processing methods used in the 160 years history of the refining industry, as well as the refined products obtained.

At the time of the privatization - 1999, the amount of waste that the future shareholder was to take over for greening was estimated at approx. 62,000 tons, afterwards being notified that the existing volume in lagoons is at least 4 times bigger.

According to its commitment from the privatization contract, Rompetrol eliminated, in 2002-2011, a total quantity of about 80,000 tonnes of waste from acid tar and oil residues, more than the level mentioned in the privatization. The costs of these operations amounted to about 17.4 million USD.

By starting a new phase of operations, we confirm the firm commitment and determination to pursue this complex environmental project.


For a good collaboration and transparency, please ask for additional information at the following contact details: phone - 0744/686.839 or [email protected] and follow project dedicated page.