Corporate Governance
ROMPETROL RAFINARE is a firm believer of the fundamental assumption that a good Corporate Governance is pivotal for the success of an organization.
Development of a sound Corporate Governance in ROMPETROL RAFINARE helps safeguard the shareholders’ interests because it supports corporate value maximization in the long run, and draws investors’ attention to the company, by rendering the processes and activities of the company more transparent and more efficient. In this way, investors are provided accurate, quality and timely information to factor it in their investment decisions.
Corporate Governance in ROMPETROL RAFINARE S.A. covers the full set of rules provided in the Articles of Incorporation, the Corporate Governance Code of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, and the other internal rules which govern management of, and control over the Company’s business.
To improve its internal Corporate Governance system, ROMPETROL RAFINARE S.A. abide by the Corporate Governance Code of the Bucharest Stock Exchange and applies, on a voluntary basis, the provisions of this Code, insofar as these do not come against the laws applicable to the Company.