Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond responding to environmental challenges, with a strong focus on a culture incorporating inclusion and diversity, transparency and equal treatment, employee health and wellbeing and workforce engagement.

Our people are the most valuable resource.  In all our operations, we apply fair labor practices and abide by all applicable workplace, employment, privacy, and human rights legislation including support of the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We are committed to providing a respectful, inclusive workplace, free from discrimination, violence, and intimidation. We do not discriminate based on gender, race, color, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws. Moreover, we embrace diversity and equal opportunity as means to access a broader talent pool and foster innovation.

Anti-discrimination provisions are included in the Group’s collective bargaining agreements and also in the internal regulations in force. As such, no discrimination incidents were reported in 2022.

At the end of 2022, Rompetrol Rafinare had a headcount of 1,108 people.

All employees on both Petromidia and Vega platforms are covered by the Group’s occupational health and safety management system. Furthermore, in 2022, 236 employees of contractors in direct relation with Petromidia operations, respectively 160 direct Vega employees of contractors were covered on a monthly basis by the same system. 

In 2022, Petromidia Refinery recorded the Lost Time Injury Rate of 1.2 – considerable improvement from the 2.8 during the previous reporting period, Petromidia Refinery also recorded 2 DAFWC cases (1 worker suffered thermal burns on one leg after stepping in hot condensate while performing preliminary technological works for the planned shutdown of the Coker unit & 1 AFPE Operator suffered a fracture as a result of a fall), 9 non- occupational illnesses, 2 Near Miss incidents and 1 MVC. Of 911 nonconformities issued (internal inspections and external controls), 709 were closed (78% closing rate).

No fatalities were recorded at Petromidia during the reporting period.

There were no fatalities, no days away from work cases or non-occupational illnesses recorded among Vega staff, however, 3 non-occupational illnesses were recorded. The refinery had a closing rate of 97% (241 NC issued vs. 234 closed) in 2022, up by 1% from the previous year).

See more about our performance in the 2022 Group Sustainability Report