General Meeting of Shareholders for the running year

This section intends to provide information on the organization and convening of the General Shareholder Meeting, in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation.

The General Meeting of Shareholders shall be convened by the Board of Directors whenever necessary.

The General Meeting of Shareholders shall take place at the registered office of the company or elsewhere as indicated in the Convening Notice.

The General Meeting of Shareholders is called by public announcement in Romania, with at least 30 days prior notice.

Attendance to the Meeting is subject to having the shareholder status at the reference date established in the Convening Notice. The support documents are posted on the company’ website, section Investor Relations, being available to all shareholders. Rompetrol Rafinare S.A. observes the “one share, one vote, one dividend” principle. There are no shares without voting rights, shares conferring the right to more than one vote or preference shares.

The Board of Directors shall convoke the General Meeting of Shareholders upon the request of shareholders holding individually or together at least 5% of the share capital. In this case, the General Meeting of Shareholders shall be convoked within 30 days and shall be held within 60 days from receipt of the request.

General meeting of shareholders current year

Report description
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – April 26/29th, 2024
Current report - Resolutions no. 1/2024 – no.4/2024 adopted by te OGMS on 26 April 2024
Convening Notice for OGMS – April 26/29, 2024, starting with 11:00 A.M.
Special Powers of Attorney for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders - Updated on April 11, 2024
Correspondence Voting Ballots for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders - Updated on April 11, 2024
Special Powers of Attorney for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Correspondence Voting Ballots for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Documents and informing materials related to items included on the agenda of OGMS - 26/29 April 2024:
Note 1 – Approval of the standalone annual financial statements for the year ended on December 31, 2023
- RRC standalone financial statements prepared in accordance with MFO no. 2844 of 2016 for the year ended on December 31, 2023 (pdf)
- Report of the Board of Directors on standalone financial statements for the year 2023, prepared in accordance with MFO no. 2844 of 2016 (pdf)
- Independent Auditors’ Report on the standalone financial statements 2023 (pdf)
- Standalone financial statements prepared in accordance with MFO no. 2844 of 2016 for the year 2023 + Board report - in the European Single Electronic Format – ESEF (xHTML format)
Note 2 – Approval of the consolidated annual financial statements for the year ended on December 31, 2023
- RRC consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for the year ended on December 31, 2023 (pdf)
- Report of the Board of Directors on consolidated financial statements for the year 2023 prepared in accordance with IFRS for year 2023 (pdf)
- Independent Auditors’ Report on the consolidated financial statements 2023 (pdf)
- Consolidated financial statements for the year 2023 + Board report - in the European Single Electronic Format – ESEF (zip package)
Note 3 – Approval of the discharge of liability of the members of the Board of Directors for 2023
Note 4 – Approval of the 2024 Income and Expenditure Budget, 2024 Production Plan and the 2024 Investment Plan
- Income and Expenditure Budget for 2024
- Production Plan for 2024
- Investment Plan for 2024
Note 5 – election of tree new members of the Board of Directors
- List comprising the candidacy proposals for appointment as members of the Board of Directors – document published on 11 April 2024
- Address of shareholder Romanian State through Ministry of Energy - candidacy proposal – document published on 11 April 2024
- Address of shareholder KMG International N.V.- candidacies proposals – document published on 11 April 2024
- CV Tamila MIKULICH – document published on 11 April 2024
- CV Pavel ROMANENKO – document published on 11 April 2024
- CV Constantin SARAGEA – document published on 11 April 2024
- Information notice for candidates - personal data processing
Note 6 – Approval of the Remuneration Report of the Company's management structure, for 2023
- Remuneration Report of the Company's management structure, for 2023
Note 7 – Approval of the remuneration of the Board members and the Advisory Committees members
Note 8 – Approval by the OGMS of the reelection of Ernst & Young Assurance Services S.R.L. as financial auditor
Note 9 – Establishing " Registration date" and "Ex date"
Note 10 – Empowerment for signing and registering the OGMS Resolutions
Drafts Resolutions No. 1/2024 – No. 4/2024 of OGMS