Posted at 6/6/22, 5:00 PM Press releases

World Environment Day celebrated by Rompetrol employees through a beach cleaning action

Rompetrol employees from Navodari and Bucharest celebrated the 50th official anniversary of the environment through a voluntary action of selective collection and recycling of abandoned waste on the beaches of Corbu, together with local authorities and schools.

June 5th is the day when the United Nations reminds us that it is everyone's responsibility to protect the planet and conserve its biodiversity, threatened by the climate change effects.

“Dobrogea is a natural museum of biodiversity with over 70 sanctuaries and protected natural areas, and we are aware of our role in contributing to the maintenance of these rich ecosystems of the Black Sea, Lake Siutghiol and the Danube Delta biosphere. Besides the consistent investments in technology to minimize the impact of our operations, we extend our care for the environment through social responsibility and volunteering projects, together with local partners”- Felix Crudu, Director of Petromidia Refinery.

This campaign contributes to the support of three objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Climate Action (13), Life on Land (15) and Partnerships for the Goals (17), which the company has committed to through its environmental projects.

In Romania, the rate of selective collection and recycling of waste at the municipal level is 11%, far from the 50% target that should have been achieved by 2020, requested by the European Union, in an effort to reduce the amount of waste generated and to promote the circular economy. The company's campaign promotes the UN's message this year, that we have #OnlyOneEarth, and it is everyone's duty to manage waste responsibly so it does affect even more the very fragile ecosystems.

In the Dobrogea region, Rompetrol is involved in social responsibility projects in the fields of health, education, environmental protection, culture, and in 2021- 2022 the company invested over 1,000,000 USD to support the local communities. The current projects under implementation aim at equipping the medical center from Corbu commune with ophthalmology medical equipment, the health center from Navodari with gynecology medical devices, the Constanta County hospital, but also modernization works for the social shelters in Lazu, under the administration of DGASPC, etc.