Posted at 8/8/17, 10:44 AM Press releases

KMG International begins the internship program in its refineries

KMG International, through its member companies operating on the Petromidia platform – begins its internship program in August for 160 selected students to develop their professional skills and technical expertise for a successful career in the oil industry. The program runs from August 1st to September 30th, on the platforms of Petromidia and Vega refineries.

”The internship programs are part of KMG International strategy to invest in human resources, not only within the company, but also for the community in which we operate. Running on the two industrial platforms – Petromidia and Vega – the programs support know-how transfer from our experts to young people, who are just starting their career. Since 2002, over 1,000 university and high-school graduates completed the Internship program and the best ones have started their career at KMG International”, said Yedil Utekov, General Manager of Rompetrol Rafinare, the company that operates Petromidia and Vega refineries.


Throughout the program, young people will be trained by Group professionals in business segments such as oil processing and petrochemicals, laboratory, maintenance, planning, risk management, work safety, environmental protection. During the Internship program, the students will have Rompetrol specialists as mentors, who will teach them and show them the processes and activities developed within the plants, creating individual development plans to help them achieve the necessary technical skills. One of the objectives of this Internship program is to facilitate an efficient and easy integration within the Group, training students to take over the responsibilities of Rompetrol employees who will have retired by 2020.


The participants (145 university graduates and 15 high school graduates) come from universities and high schools in Constanta, Ploiesti and Bucharest – ”Lazar Edeleanu” Technical College in Ploiesti, ”Ovidius” University from Constanta, the Petrol and Gas Faculty of Ploiesti, the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, the Maritime University from Constanta, ”Lazar Edeleanu” Technical High School from Navodare – with which the Group has concluded partnerships to offer internships to high-schoolers, students, university graduates and masters students. The specializations most sought by the Internship program selection process are: oil and gas (oil processing and petrochemicals), electrical power engineering, mechanics, economy, automation and environmental protection.


Throughout the 15 years of internship, over 500 interns were employed within the Group companies, while more than 50 managers within the companies operating on the Vega and Petromidia platforms have begun their activities with the internship program.