Posted at 11/14/17, 10:44 AM Press releases

KMG International supports ISU Dobrogea firefigherts with medical equipment

KMG International continues to provide support to the Dobrogea Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (ISU Dobrogea) by purchasing a medical mannequin for first aid training in offering birth assistance.

"We understand the needs of the public health care system and we have the social responsibility to contribute to the country's development so that patients benefit from quality medical support. This initiative is part of the commitment we made 10 years ago, based on which we have made investments in the rehabilitation and endowment of ISU hospitals and ISU training centers in Romania worth over 4 million dollars," said Alexey Golovin, Vice President of KMG International.


"Preparing the staff for intervention is one of the priorities of ISU Constanta. In the past years, the number of requests from persons on their due date or in their last trimester of pregnancy increased exponentially, especially during the cold season, during frost or snow alerts. The procurement of a specialized mannequin is a real support for the professional training of firefighters ", Colonel Popa Daniel Gheorghe, Chief Inspector with ISU Constanta stated.


By November 1, SMURD first aid teams have intervened in Constanta County for approximately 100 pregnant women or women who had recently given birth, to assist with delivery or provide newborn care. 


In Constanta there is a regional training center for qualified first aid and extrication, set up by KMG International in 2013, where paramedics from Constanta, as well as Călăraşi, Tulcea and Ialomiţa counties, are being trained. Among the projects carried out with ISU at the national level, we mention: equipping the ISU / SMURD Bihor crews with a unique IT system in Romania to help with the decision-making process during emergency and extrication missions; in Neamt County - refurbishing the space where the Integrated Dispatch Center of ISU/Neamt County Ambulance operates and equipping it with furniture, electronic equipment, modern IT and communication systems for dispatching emergency calls and coordinating intervention actions, and so on.


Through the partnership with SMURD, signed in 2009, we have provided JetA1 fuel for aero-medical helicopters, uniforms for volunteers at national level, financial support for the construction of the heliport on the rooftop of the Emergency Hospital in Oradea, as well as medical equipment - a mobile ECMO device (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation).