Posted at 5/3/17, 1:28 PM Press releases

Petromidia Navodari and Vega Ploiesti Refineries will undergo a shutdown period of 20 days

During May 03 - 22, Rompetrol Rafinare will stop production activities within its both refineries – Petromidia Navodari and Vega Ploiesti in order to perform scheduled technological works, whose total estimated value will exceed 17.5 mln. USD.

The works will be coordinated by Rominserv, general contractor of the KMG International Group, and will target the optimization and improvement of production flows, aligned to the new processing capacity of the Petromidia refinery, as well as carrying out of some preventive maintenance works for purposes of increasing the level of safety in operating the units and the level of environment protection.   


Thus, over 2,000 people specialized in different areas (mechanics, electrics, automation, civil construction, anticorrosive protection, etc.) will perform specific works for replacing catalysts, necessary for maintaining and increasing of oil products quality, as well as works for checking, maintenance, calibration and reauthorization of some technological equipment (pipes, valves, etc.) of Petromidia and Vega platforms.  


During the mentioned period, both KMG International production facilities will provide supplying of products towards customers from accumulated stocks. 


This year Rompetrol Rafinare intends to process more than 5.6 million tons of raw materials, i.e. 3.5% more than the historical level, attained in 2016. At the same time, the company wants to sell more than 5.3 million tons of oil product, out of which more than 83% of automotive fuels (gasoline – 1.4 mln. tons, diesel fuel – 2,76 million tons, LPG – 241,000 tons).


Rompetrol Rafinare is a part of KMG International Group and its operates the Petromidia Refinery – the biggest entity of the kind in Romania and one of the most modern in the Black Sea region and Vega Refinery – the oldest refinery in operation (1905) and the sole producer of bitumen and hexane, as well as the Petrochemical division – sole polymer manufacturer in the country.      


Public Relations and Communication Department

KMG International