Press releases

Strategic investment in the Vega Ploieşti refinery

Posted at 11 May 2022, hour 13 01

Rompetrol Rafinare, a member company of the KMG International Group (Rompetrol), recently completed a 4.2 million USD investment in the modernization of the Vacuum Distillation Plant (DV) within the Vega Ploieşti refinery. The project will help to improve operational processes and will also have a positive impact in terms of increasing the protection of the environment.

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The scheduled turnaround of the Petromidia refinery was finalized

Posted at 04 April 2022, hour 16 01

Rompetrol Rafinare, a member company of the KMG International Group, successfully completed the turnaround of the Petromidia Navodări and Vega Ploieşti refineries and initiated the procedures for restarting the production units. These will gradually enter the technological flows and will reach capacities in about a week.

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The supply of crude to Petromidia via CPC

Posted at 24 March 2022, hour 10 01

In the context of the recent incident in the port of Novorossiysk, which affected the ability to load crude oil from the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) pipeline, KMG International Group confirms that it does not experience difficulties in supplying raw materials and there are no elements that could lead, in the next period, to a reduction in the volume of oil products and deliveries at national level, but also in the region.

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Cyberattack on Rompetrol digital infrastructure

Posted at 07 March 2022, hour 01 01

În cursul nopţii 6-7 martie, Rompetrol s-a confruntat cu un atac cibernetic complex. Platformele digitale au fost restaurate.

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