Press releases

Repair works at Petromidia Năvodari refinery, near completion

Posted at 28 September 2021, hour 10 10

Rompetrol Rafinare, member company of the KMG International Group, has completed most of the turnaround of the production units on the Petromidia platform and performs the last technical checks in order to restart the production activity in conditions of maximum safety. The technological installations will be restarted in stages and are expected to reach, by the end of October, the optimal operating efficiencies.

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Start in a new edition of the Rompetrol program "Ready for Career"

Posted at 01 September 2021, hour 14 10

Rompetrol has launched the XXI edition of the program "Ready for Career", which will take place from September 1 to October 31. For 20 years, the Group has been supporting the training of specialists for the oil industry, and this year 49 youngsters selected following complex recruitment processes will participate in training programs.

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Rompetrol Rafinare's financial results in the first half of 2021

Posted at 13 August 2021, hour 18 10

Rompetrol Rafinare's financial results in the first half of 2021

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Statement incident update 7

Posted at 18 July 2021, hour 10 44

The second colleague transferred urgently to Germany, following the incident at the Petromidia refinery, lost his life.

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