Press releases

Rompetrol Rafinare - USD 22 million net profits and historical production records in 2017

Posted at 16 March 2018, hour 07 00

Rompetrol Rafinare - USD 22 million net profits and historical production records in 2017

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KMG International, historical records in 2017

Posted at 15 March 2018, hour 09 00

The KMG International Group (KMGI) has registered record results and operations last year, in line with the positive progress started in 2012

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Rompetrol Rafinare has tripled its net consolidated profit in the first 9 months of 2017

Posted at 15 November 2017, hour 18 41

Rompetrol Rafinare, company member of KMG International, has recorded a net consolidated* profit totalling 56 mil. USD in the first 9 months of 2017, almost triple compared with the same period of 2016.

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KMG International supports ISU Dobrogea firefigherts with medical equipment

Posted at 14 November 2017, hour 10 44

KMG International continues to provide support to the Dobrogea Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (ISU Dobrogea) by purchasing a medical mannequin for first aid training in offering birth assistance.

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