Press releases

Rompetrol Rafinare, results in the first 9 months of 2018

Posted at 14 November 2018, hour 19 30

Rompetrol Rafinare, a member company of KMG International, registered in the first nine months of the year an increase by over 44% of its gross turnover, as compared to the ratio reached in the similar period of 2017, up to a level of USD 4.1 billion. This evolution was mainly influenced by the ascending trend of the international quotations for the oil products.

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Scheduled maintenance of the Petromidia Navodari and Vega Ploieşti refineries

Posted at 30 October 2018, hour 16 00

Rompetrol Rafinare, a company member of KMG International, will suspend until November 15th the activity of the Petromidia refinery and of the petrochemical division, in order to carry out the scheduled maintenance. During the same period, the production activities of Vega refinery will also be reduced.

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100 winners of the 2018 KMG International Scholarships program revealed

Posted at 30 October 2018, hour 15 00

100 high-achievers university and high-school students from Bucharest, Constanta and Prahova have been selected as winners of the KMG International Scholarships program 2018, receiving annual grants amounting to USD 100,000.

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The Kazakh - Romanian Energy Investment Fund has been established

Posted at 26 October 2018, hour 16 21

KazMunayGas International (KMGI) and Societatea de Administrare a Participaţiilor în Energie (SAPE) which is owned by the Ministry of Energy have signed, today, the association agreement for the establishment of The Kazakh - Romanian Energy Investment Fund, in accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Romanian State and KMGI.

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