Press releases

KMG International launches a scholarship program of USD 100,000

Posted at 19 September 2018, hour 12 30

KMG International launches the call for 100 scholarships for high-school and university students with high academic grades, from Bucharest, Constanta and Prahova.

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Rompetrol supports the Chituc Ringing Camp of the Milvus Association

Posted at 14 September 2018, hour 12 30

KMG International, through Rompetrol Rafinare and Rompetrol Downstream, supported the fifth edition of the Chituc Ringing Camp, a project organized in the protected area of the Danube Delta biosphere, from July to November, and meant to identify, monitor, research and protect the unique birds crossing Romania and nesting during summer.

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KMG International - refining and trading activities increased in the first half of 2018

Posted at 11 September 2018, hour 12 30

The KMG International Group (KMGI) has recorded exceptional financial and operating results during the first half of the year, being supported in particular by refining and petroleum product trading.

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365 days without incidents – on our way to reaching 100% safety

Posted at 06 September 2018, hour 09 15

Over the years, compliance with occupational safety and environmental standards was considered only as a requirement of legislation and regulatory requirements determined how QHSE matters were managed. The key elements were discipline and control. At the same time, the absence of injuries at work was considered an unattainable goal or it was considered at best as a dream, to which we should strive.

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