Press releases

Growing results for Rompetrol Rafinare, in the first quarter of 2023

Posted at 15 May 2023, hour 18 05

Rompetrol Rafinare, member company of the KMG International Group (Rompetrol), reached, in the first quarter of 2023, a consolidated gross turnover of about 1.3 billion dollars, up 10% compared to the same period last year.

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Rompetrol rehabilitates assisted living facilities for the disabled people from Lazu, Constanta

Posted at 10 April 2023, hour 16 00

Rompetrol invested an amount of 330.000 lei in the rehabilitation and equipment of the two assisted living facilities for adults with disabilities from Lazu, managed by the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Constanta.

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Over 80% construction progress for the cogeneration plant on the Petromidia platform

Posted at 21 March 2023, hour 16 40

The Kazakh-Romanian Energy Investment Fund (KREIF) has made considerable progress in commissioning the cogeneration plant on the Petromidia platform, reaching over 80% of the total operations, part of the project that started in May 2021.

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The first Rompetrol integrated service centers and gas stations on the A1 highway (Nadlac-Sibiu section)

Posted at 09 March 2023, hour 11 30

The Kazakh-Romanian Energy Investment Fund (KREIF) and Rompetrol Downstream - the retail structural subdivision of the KMG International Group in Romania, opened today the first four integrated service centers on the A1 highway (Nadlac – Sibiu section), near the town of Pecica (km 558+380, left and right) and town of Orastie (KM 340+500, left and right).

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