Press releases

Rompetrol moves to Industry 4.0

Posted at 09 April 2019, hour 12 00

Rompetrol Rafinare is close to finalizing the implementation of the first phase of Advanced Process Control (APC), a digital solution that will help improve the production activities of the Petromidia Refinery in Navodari. The Refinery is the largest production facility of this kind in Romania and one of the most modern in the Black Sea region.

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National Chemistry Contest supported by KMG International

Posted at 21 March 2019, hour 18 45

KMG International (Rompetrol) is the main sponsor of the 53rd edition of the Chemistry Contest, which is organized by the Constanta County School Inspectorate between 21-25 March. 350 students from the 8th to 12th grade will participate at this national stage of the competition.

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Rompetrol Rafinare – remarkable operational performances in 2018

Posted at 27 February 2019, hour 18 45

Rompetrol Rafinare, a member of the KMG International Group, had remarkable operational performances in 2018 for their two refineries - Petromidia Năvodari and Vega Ploieşti, but also for the Petrochemicals Division on the Midia industrial platform, against the backdrop of increased market volatility, especially in the fourth quarter of the year that passed.

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KMG International's production assets in Romania set new operational records

Posted at 07 February 2019, hour 14 03

On February 5, 2019, the Annual Management Meeting of KMG International (Group or KMGI) took place, presenting the results of the Group's activity in 2018 and defining the main medium-term objectives.

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